The first half is a 9/10, constantly throwing new ideas, mechanics, and mini games at you. But the second half feels like a notable step down - few additional side quests are added after the initial influx, the game runs out of new things to show you, and worse, it gets quite grindy at points, requiring you to either play through super tedious 'optional' dungeons or spend real money on items that level you up. I can't help but feel this grind was added specifically in the hopes of getting people to do that, so it feels really grimy.

That's a shame, because outside of that Infinite Wealth is a lot of fun. The combat system is great (at least once you've got a full party and a variety of abilities). The job system is also fun, the characters are likeable, the story is mostly engaging, and the new Hawaiian setting is pleasant to spend time in.

All of that remains true even in the slightly lesser second half of the game. So I recommend it, but with a bit more work and less focus on selling expensive microtransactions it could have been even better.

Reviewed on Apr 24, 2024
