Really weird! It's still Front Mission, but all of the additions feel pointless or unnecessary, where a lot of things that could really use some cleaning up (like what they've done with Tactics Ogre Reborn) don't receive any attention. This is not published by Square Enix, but by Forever Entertainment, who also did the Panzer Dragoon and House of the Dead remakes. I'm a bit concerned for the Front Mission 2 and 3 remakes, as those are some of the best games in this series.

I think this is worth playing if you've never played Front Mission, but my genuine advice is to play on easy (or normal if you must) and just blaze through this. The harder difficulties aren't really worth it with this port, as they just add flat % health and damage modifiers to a game that already has a lot of RNG.

Front Mission has always been cool, and maybe one day we will see it come back. Perhaps if Armored Core 6 brings about a new age of hard scifi mech war stories. I bought this because I want to see future Front Mission games, but I don't think I would tell someone not previously initiated to pick this up.

Reviewed on Dec 12, 2022
