While I had my fair share of fun with this game, I found running errand after errand onboard the Courageous a bit tedious after awhile. You cover so many areas and events in a short period that it was hard for anything to really hold weight and meaning. It felt like everyone knew each other despite being so spread out across Erebonia. The huge amount of cast members certainly didn't help its case either, though I did like a good amount of Class VII members. I still wish Fie and Laura got explored more after their moment in CS1, as well as Jusis and Machias and their class differences that seemed to just become nonexistent after awhile.

I think what really took me out of the game on several occasions was the game's fascinations with unwinnable battles. I really disliked the amount of times you stomp the opponent in battle, only to see you straight up lose during the cutscene. I hope future Kiseki games abuse this kind of thing less.

Also, the epilogue final dungeon was way too much. I didn't really need to fight 4 cryptids AGAIN, as well as a copy pasted boss from CS1.

Reviewed on Jun 17, 2021
