Kieran... my man..

This is it, huh? No more real content after this for Pokemon Scarlet.. WHY IS TIME GOING SO DAMN FAST AHH-

Anyway, I really enjoyed this. I'm going to admit something that I had probably already mentioned before but - I haven't played all the Pokemon games, yet. And here I am calling myself a fan... I will get to them I promise!!

The reason I mentioned that is because I haven't played Gen5 games yet.. so uh, imagine my surprise when I figured out the Battle themes for Pokemon and the Trainer were from the original Black and White games lol
If only I could also feel how nostalgic everyone else were

Anyway, the story was great!! The characters were charming as usual - especially Kieran and Lacey. The things you can do after is meh, too much damn effort for the BB points lmao
I really do like that they brought back Legendaries yet again for us to catch! And they FUCKING HAVE THEIR ORIGINAL STYLE THEMES with them.. that is so epic.

I keep getting off-track. Yes, the DLC is good but then it drops so whatever. A nice bow to a really off-putting game in the franchise.. like it's good in story and perhaps battle elements but damn do the bugs/how ugly it looks will forever haunt this title..

Reviewed on Jan 10, 2024
