Since i have experience with RPG's that came out in the 80's I expected the story to be almost nonexistent. I was wrong! With this version they added every tiny bit of lore they possible could. Beautiful ingame art/portraits! The opening and ending cinematics are gorgeous (especially compared to that Ys anime series that tells this game's story with some liberties). The OST track is one of the all time classics in gaming.

I'll say if you are a player that values world-building and lore over how simplistic the combat is, you're going to enjoy parts of this game immensely (unless you only like 'newer' stuff by proxy, but that's more a mindset issue). And if you lose your way somewhere there is no shame in using a map or guide it's an 80s rpg after all those can be cryptic. Simplistic combat doesn't mean easy by the way, the nightmare difficulty in ys 1 is true to it's namesake.

Ys gave me a warm feeling when i look back on it, not unlike trails in the sky ironically enough. I look forward to the rest of the games. From what i gathered those stories are mostly unrelated to each other, but avdol and his closest friends get more depth over time and things get referenced here and there. No trails level integration but enough to see it as an unique world. I'm curious! Also with regard to what developments the combat will go through.

Reviewed on Jun 11, 2022
