The adolescence period is one of the most tumultuous processes in human life. It's the moment when we demonstrate determination and the need to exercise our own wills and desires. It's when we feel the physiological and natural changes in our bodies and have to deal with what we want for our future and who we want to be.

If I had to describe adolescence in two words, I'd say it's a phase of transformation and self-discovery.

Among the challenges of adolescence, doubt, regret, questionable friendships, and especially impulsivity are some of the aspects that most teenagers will face during this phase. It is commonly marked by numerous hasty and thoughtless decisions that will have consequences, shaping the individual's learning and guiding them toward maturity.

Observing Max as not only the central character undergoing some of these changes but also as the observer of the entire process in relation to other characters is very interesting. Additionally, realizing that the beautiful friendship between Max and Chloe is not as beautiful as it seems, as the blue-haired girl often exhibits questionable behaviors regarding friendships and decisions of her own best friend.

I like to think that a significant part of the audience admiring the friendship between Chloe and Max would be the same people who would beg not to be in a friendship with someone similar to Chloe, which adds an ironic twist and is why I appreciate the "bait" that the game presents with these two characters.

Looking at Life Is Strange now, after all these years and with a more mature perspective, I see that the game accurately portrays the image of adolescence in our century, addressing topics largely neglected by society, such as bullying, cyberbullying, and emphasizing the importance of liberation and maturity, especially for teenagers.

Reviewed on Jan 24, 2024
