Absolutely no shade towards people who like this one but you're all insane. This is the nadir of RPGs; involving hours of mindless grinding just to win a two minute fight. Reverse/Rebirth is even worse, completely removing any semblance of strategy in exchange for mindless button mashing.

That's not to say there's nothing of worth here; the new narrative content introduced is shockingly good. The issue is that the new stuff makes up only about 10% of the game, the other 90% is just a mindless slog through rehashes of rehashes. Introducing Organization XIII is the best idea this franchise has, Nomura is often derided for his fashion choices, but he is SO GOOD at just writing a room full of bitchy gays to snipe at each other.

More so than 358/2 days, this is the game that should've been turned into a cutscene compilation, I got nothing out of wasting 28 hours on it that I wouldn't have just by watching it on YouTube.

Reviewed on Apr 12, 2021


3 years ago

You can't say "absolutely no shade towards people who like this one" and follow up with "but you're all insane" as if the first part of the sentence removes the shade lmao
do u know what a joke is

3 years ago

as was I which is why I wrote lmao I understood it was a joke