Big improvement on the first one, story and gameplay-wise. The mechanics were improved upon and there were satisfying bosses…still hate the grappling.

Reviewed on Jun 02, 2022


29 days ago

Honestly, I thought most of the bosses were a downgrade from the first one minus the Sisters of Fate. Was really disappointed with the Kraken in particular.
@RedBackloggd Hmm, really? Yeah, for some reason, I thought the hydra in 1 was lackluster (to be fair though, it was at the beginning of the game), I liked the bull (don’t remember its name.), and Ares was just a pain in the ass for me. I didn’t think they were that well-designed, and especially didn’t like only having three. I respect your opinion though!

29 days ago

@ResidentAtelier - yeah, no wrong answers here haha, it's all subjective. Medusa was a mini-boss in the first game too.

GoW2 definitely had more, but I felt most of them were more about triggering QTEs and dealing with some gimmick than being a genuine boss fight.

I will admit though I did not actually fight Ares as I had to abandon the game before then, so I could agree with you, but I sincerely doubt it was WORSE than the RNG QTE nonsense you had to put up with to beat Zeus. I literally had to redo that section like 10 times haha.
@RedBackloggd Yeah, fair! Okay, the QTEs were something I didn’t like about the trilogy in general, haha. I just thought some of them weren’t well-placed, and especially didn’t like the ones that make or break you.

28 days ago

Yeah, I heard III kinda doubles down on them, so not looking forward to that when I play it. I like QTEs, but not when they're overly-present.
@RedBackloggd Exactly. III was a really good game though. Felt more fair than I or II (not saying those games are too unfair, but III was indeed an improvement.)

28 days ago

Oh really? Well that definitely makes me less trepidative haha.
@RedBackloggd Glad to hear it!