i was about to make a long bait-y review about people having skill issues, but the game actually needs rebalancing in terms of areas and enemies, they can vicious to the point they aggro at you as hard as Ninja Gaiden enemies but Grave lacks any of the flexibility Ryu Hayabusa has, even if you upgrade your damage at its peak, late game enemies are extremely tanky while they are powerful enough to melt your character if you aren't upgraded fully, which leads me to the following point, the game is expecting you to beat the campaign on sequential order by difficulty for you to actually learn the mechanics with experimentation, getting enough points to upgrade into a proper state AND giving you permanent passives that makes harder difficulties more manageable.

its an extremely amateur project with obvious pitfalls that they could have avoided with more play testing.

so you may be asking, why the hell i'm giving it a good rating?, well it actually is fun on the raw sense of the word, the game has quite a lot of depth to consider it another good entry on the character action genre, now demanding you to learn its mechanics and how to figure out your way in its chaotic set pieces full of enemies who will actually kick your ass if you not paying attention, its an unique game that you rarely see attempted these days, it surpass my expectations of the previous gungrave, which was essentially a braindead shooter with a cool premise and characters (carried heavily by its anime adaptation)

i don't think it deserves to be punch down into oblivion for obvious oversights that will probably be patched out with fan feedback.

Reviewed on Dec 08, 2022
