I picked this up with Flower because I really liked Journey when it came out.

I think this is pretty neat for Thatgamecompany's first game. It's clear that when this came out on PS3, Sony really wanted the developer to get some use out of the DualShock 3's motion controls.

With a top down overview, you play as various tiny ocean organisms that can evolve by either eating the various food that litters every level, or defeating the more advanced creatures you come across.

The game is fairly forgiving, giving the player a lot of room for mistakes and plenty of time to get a hang of the controls. There are red bubbles and blue bubbles, that take you down or up a level respectively, and the goal of each stage is to go down every level until you unlock the next creature you can play as.

The game has some exciting things to see, and good fun to be had. It's extremely short, as to be expected by its price point, but there's some cheap dlc you can get that adds a few more stages and creatures to play as. Each creature also gets their own control feel and ability, which make them fun to experiment with.

I got all the trophies, except the 4 player one. I might get it someday but i can't be asked to find 4 people to sit on the couch for this. Still, it's pretty cool that your friends, siblings, and lovers can jump in anytime with another controller. My favorite trophies to get were the Vegetarian one, and Cannibalism. I like a game with a good pacifist/murder run. Weirdly, the Cannibalism trophy is the hardest one, because it's actually way harder to avoid those little floating white veggies and only go for the fish. I recommend using the yellow guy.

I've mastered this game enough to be comfortable calling it completed, and to say that I feel people are too harsh with this one. It's not supposed to be the greatest thing in the world, it's supposed to be a game you play as a palate cleanser between your Assassin's Creeds, and Call of Dutys, and what have you.

Reviewed on Sep 01, 2023
