It should be stated up front, that NO version of Double Dragon 3, at least in this man's view, is very good. The arcade game, IMO, is by far the worst one. This NES game is ALSO the worst of the trilogy on the console. That said, in the same way that, quite frankly, the NES versions of DD1 and DD2 were superior to the arcade originals, DD3 is likewise a MUCH better game than the arcade.

They somehow figured out a way to make it PLAY worse than DD2, but it's still a solid beat em up affair, which even managed to add something unique to the mix: once you beat certain bosses, you gain them as playable allies! If they die, you lose them permanently (as far as I can remember), which sucks, but it was still a brilliant idea to allow gamers to play some of the enemies.

The game itself shares the same BASIC story as the arcade, but it is, for the most part, its own game, exclusive to NES. It's not a BAD game, by any means. It just isn't that great, especially compared to the excellent first two entries. It DOES still have some rockin' tunes, though.

Reviewed on Sep 24, 2022
