I have a lot less to say about this game compared to its predecessor, namely for the fact that not much has changed. Barring a new weapon or two and added claymores, the gameplay is pretty much identical to Metro 2033 Redux. In practically every area Last Light is essentially an extended DLC of the original. If you liked it before and were left yearning to see more of the world, Last Light is a no-brainer to pick up.
The story has a good increase in globetrotting and really helps flesh out the Metroverse, both above and below the scorched surface. With the exception of a few rushed character arcs and developments, the story was engaging and had me interested in where I was heading next.

Reviewed on Jul 17, 2021


7 days ago

Dang Rez, didn't think you liked this one so much to call it GOTY 2014. I was admittedly more mixed on it.

6 days ago

@RedBackLoggd Honestly I’m not super sold on it for myself. Currently it’s between that or Evil Within for me. Or maybe, just maybe, Towerfall: Ascension. I have an irrational love for that game. I certainly enjoyed Last Light Redux for what it was, but it wasn’t phenomenal by any means. I just wanted to have a reasonable placeholder in case I forget to put one before the event ends lol.

6 days ago

Hey, your game your review your take, just was surprised you loved it THAT much haha.

Still need to play Evil Within. Own it, but haven't gotten around to it yet.

6 days ago

@RedBackLoggd nah you right, you right.

It was pretty good. Very Resident Evil-y but with larger hordes. Plus it’s got character out the wazoo.

6 days ago

Please tell me no extensive backtracking or door loading animations :O

5 days ago

@RedBackLoggd None of that thankfully brother, it may be a horror game but it's not that horrific lol

5 days ago