Modern Warfare 2019 was a bit of a reentry into the COD-osphere for me. After many formative years spent with the franchise I got a bit fatigued with the lack of innovation and general oversaturation of the shooter market. The only reason I even gave this 2019 reboot a try was because for the first time in a long time, the clips I saw of the game actually made me want to play it. And after playing the game enough to unlock the mastery camo for ALL weapons, I can confidently say I do not regret that decision. If nothing else can be said, Modern Warfare is one of the nicest feeling shooters I’ve ever played. The buttery smooth movement, new features (finishers, NVGs, gunfight mode, doors), and revamped animations really breathed life into a long-retired franchise for me.

Modern Warfare’s larger emphasis on attention to detail and its semi-serious tone is a nice change of pace from the nearly endless Michael Bay-like pile of mindless action that COD has leaned into a little too hard the last few years. It’s still unmistakably Call of Duty, but almost everything it adds to the recipe builds on the franchise’s formula in new and fun ways.

The story is a decent romp, with its shining moments being the ones that are the most serious, historically reminiscence, or tactically immersive. Hopefully they can build on more moments like these in future installments. The maps are gorgeous and I can respect the desire to try something other than endless three lanes, but some maps, and especially the ground war maps, suffer from being a bit too linear and open. Not just a sincere revival of the franchise, Modern Warfare is a fantastic casual shooter that reinforces why Call of Duty is the king of dumb fun.

Reviewed on Mar 09, 2023
