The genesis of what would be the wide-spanning Hitman franchise, Codename 47 walked so its sequels could run. Being a bit on the older side, the game is a bit irregular in how it plays 23 years later. Most older games are clunky in movement, organization, or precise aiming. Hitman is meritoriously free of these issues. Where it does stumble is in its enemy AI, damage numbers, and its excruciating propensity to get you stuck on random geometry like foliage. The enemies must be trained by John Wick himself with how pinpoint accurate they often are, further helped by a very small player health pool that will have you watch Agent 47 collapse dramatically 4-5 times a mission on the low end. And for some reason, enemy aggro frequently persists even after retries, making restarts a necessity at times. Though sometimes even that’s not required, as some enemies will just shoot you on sight through no provocation. It makes for a tedious time when evading is regularly incentivized over openly disguising yourself or having fun with the missions.

Least counterable of all and most aggravating personally, Agent 47 loves nothing more than to find himself stuck on an errant polygon, doomed to strand me forever as I frantically move my mouse to free my foolish compatriot. The free-camera “camera mode” worked half the time to unstuck me, but a sizable portion of runs were completely ruined by this problem. Predictably, that would be the final nail in the coffin for me. After getting stuck for the umpteenth time I decided to cut my losses and quit the game after the jungle mission. Codename 47 is inextricably a part of gaming history, but there’s really no reason to play it over its subsequent titles.

Reviewed on Jun 16, 2023


3 days ago

Well fuck man, I wish I'd read your review before dropping $2.00 on this - watching some YouTube videos seems to confirm everything you're saying here (and then some). Not to mention, you and I tend to be on the same wavelength when it comes to older games, so I really don't want to waste hours of my life on something that you of all people gave a 1.5 to haha.

You seem to be a big fan of the series, which one would you recommend starting with that won't leave me confused as to the lore?

3 days ago

Oh, another question - would you say that the constant polygon sticking was b/c of the higher frame rate of modern rigs?

3 days ago

Cause I experienced something similar with the OG Max Payne and turned down the frame rate to fix it.

2 days ago

@RedBackLoggd Yeah lol I did not have a good time with this one. Definitely skip this hassle of a game.

Personally? I’d start with Contracts or Blood Money. Though the first gen Hitman games (Codename, Silent Assassin, Contracts, Blood Money) do have a story in the most technical sense of the word, I wouldn’t put too much stock in it. I honestly don’t even remember them that well lol, but you’ll understand what’s going on regardless of order. Of those four Blood Money definitely has the most cinematic story, and by far the best gameplay. That’s my personal favorite and just an all around great game. The rest of the games (Absolution and after) I’m less familiar with at the moment.

That could be it, I don’t recall if I messed with the fps or not. Though believe me brother, with this game, where there’s a will for it to break there’s a way lol.

2 days ago

Oh okay, so skip Silent Assassin and go straight to Contracts? Wikipedia says it's both a remake and sequel lol, so I hope you're right about the story not being important to these games.

Lmao, well it wouldn't matter because it seems like the game had a bunch of other problems, not even bug-related just gameplay-related like lack of checkpoints and enemies having x-ray vision.

2 days ago

@RedBackLoggd I’d say so. Yeah Hitman loves remaking a bunch of the same missions for a lot of the games. Which sucks because the new missions are always better. And yeah I’m confident in that brother.

Exactly. My man Agent 47 was getting it from all sides in that game lol

2 days ago

Very interesting, no wonder they've done a couple of reboots too haha.