I remember playing this game a few years ago, back before the Reatomized version existed. Maybe it’s just me, but it feels a lot more difficult than it should be. And I’ll admit it, I’m awful at this game. The premise is you’re given around a minute to collect supplies and family members before a bomb drops and must hold up in a fallout shelter until help arrives. Before that you have to decide how to ration supplies, who should go out, and what messages to respond to outside the shelter. The writing is utterly hilarious, satirical, and the only reason I played this game as long as I did. Each in-game day you’re given updates on the family’s mood, hunger, and new developments that require choices. The most important choices being who to send out when and whether to let someone in. With chance playing a huge part every option to go out can be the last choice you make or the first step in getting help.

That’s where the difficulties become relevant. At lower difficulties you’re given more supplies to start and greater luck in encounters with others. Now maybe I just have the worst intuition known to man, but I always have such terrible luck in this game. Even on easy difficulty I was having trouble staying alive until the military arrived. With how many supplies there are it’s far too easy to be utterly helpless because you’re missing a single tool, or it broke when you decided to send someone out. 60 Seconds is like a series of endless unfortunate events. Every time I make a choice it goes as badly as possible, leaving my poor McDoodle family a poor broken husk when they wither away on day 60. Okay fine, it’s meant to be replayed over and over and each session is only around an hour. The problem is the game is super repetitive. Situations will repeat often, making each playthrough relatively the same. It’s like second verse, same as the first in digital form. It’s a fine game, but one I would recommend tenuously as not ideal for binging

Reviewed on Jun 20, 2023
