Fall Guys is a A+ party game with just three inputs: move forward, jump, and grab. It’s like a massive Wipeout circuit if it were populated by silly little bean guys, all dialed up to 11 with how colorful and playful it is. In competing to win first place there’s Race, Survival, Hunt, and Final level types, with Final usually just being a smaller race or survival variant. With how many different levels and participants in any given match there are, it’s clear to see where Fall Guys' strengths are in the elimination style gameplay. But as someone who has played the game off-and-on for over a year I’m not sure why they retire so many levels.

The strength of Fall Guys is having a simple base that literally anyone could play with the low challenge barrier, with variety and fun being provided by the large number of slightly different maps there are and the endorphin release of surviving another elimination wave. If you look it up though you can see how many maps have been retired. I would assume it's because of seasonal events and whatnot, but if you ask me they should really look into re-adding some. It helps keep it fresh when the RNG decides to give you the same 3 different maps back to back in a single session. And I know this is unpopular, but I kind of miss the Team mode. I realize it’s frustrating when your team is not up to snuff. I’d reckon that’s a part of the excitement of random chance. Sometimes you get a good team, sometimes you don’t. Rarely is it a single player’s fault for failure. Besides, Fall Guys is way too casual to take seriously.

It also has a really aggressive battle-pass/monetization system a la Fortnite. There are SO MANY licensed skins, title cards, and nameplates. If the game clicks for you it’s easy to see how that would be appealing when a license you like comes around. For me, it’s a fun game to pick up for half an hour every so often when I have a little time to kill and don’t want to be overly challenged or invested for too long. So that kind of system would never woo me, but your mileage may vary. Also like Fortnite, the game has a very active and constantly updating system with seasonal modes, events, and challenges, giving you an extra push just to see what they got every few months. And credit where credits due, they usually nail the seasonal aesthetic they’re going for.

They also added a course creator that I only tinkered with for about 5 minutes just to see what it’s about, and it’s thoroughly fleshed out. I can see someone really going to town with how much they let you play behind the curtain here. Hopefully they still maintain their own steady rhythm of new content to bite into, but maybe some oh so tiny modification to existing modes and RNG would help tenfold. I know it’s the easiest mode to make, but perhaps taking some of the Race match spots should be another equally straightforward mode, or even a carve-out for legacy courses. Fall Guys is a legitimately entertaining game scientifically crafted to thrive in casual play, Co-op or alone. While you’re unlikely to become a hardcore Fall Guy guy, it’s a terrific game to add to the rotation when you need something to palate cleanse or just vibe to.

Reviewed on Jul 20, 2023
