Do not play Granblue Fantasy.

It's not like the game does not have redeeming features - the music is good and character designs are frequently appealing, and some of the storylines are nice (Society is really the only one that grabbed me personally). I've also met some great people through the game. But there is one thing that ties GBF players together and that is that they do not want to be playing GBF.

The "gameplay" in GBF is just one huge Skinner box, where you grind for an upgrade to your power, which will allow you to access the next grind for more power. 99% of this grinding is completely mindless, with just a handful of endgame content requiring thought. And once you have figured out that endgame raid - guess what? You've still got to grind it for tens of hours at least.

The UI is horrible and clunky. It's web-based, so if you don't live in Japan you're gonna have shitty ping slowing everything down even more. And the game's flagship event runs on JST, so if you live in NA or Europe you're going to be sleeping and/or working through it.

And yet, so many cannot escape it. The designers have figured out how to release just enough endorphins through the perpetual grind and gacha rolls that despite wanting to leave, people will keep coming back. How much of "hating" the game is ironic, and how much is a genuine wish to leave the timesink behind and spend your time on other games? You won't know until you leave. And that's why the best thing to do is to never go in to begin with.

Reviewed on Apr 02, 2023
