You will get addicted easily. Great for veteran players and - I imagine - a great introduction to new players.
Fantastic mix of open-world and Dark Souls.

Lots of things to find; always feels rewarding to explore and talk to everyone.
Open world is very well executed. Very little mandatory requirements to finish the game. There are many options how to continue. You never really feel lost or clueless.
Bosses (with a few exceptions) are very well designed and unique. Two fights especially are super badass.
Replayability is very high. Any build feels viable thanks to some new mechanics.
NPC Questlines are super interesting, sometimes funny, sometimes tragic. There are different endings tied to them that you can explore.
Co-op with friends works pretty good.
Lots of quality of life improvements.

Minor negatives:
A bit too many platforming sections. Jumping often feels janky on foot and mount.
Mini dungeons feel repetitive after a while.
Some fights were a bit too easy from my perspective (FromSoftware veteran).
Final boss is underwhelming.

Reviewed on Mar 07, 2022
