When I started playing a month ago I didn’t know what to think of Sonic DX, when it finally came time to go from 2D Sonic to 3D Sonic made me pretty nervous during my Sonic binge playthrough of how I felt but after playing through it with all its jank I grew to absolutely love and appreciate this game for what it is. It has it's flaws but I hadn’t had so much fun playing through a game to completion and I can see why people would put this game in high regard. I played with Mod Loader so the experience with the PC version in its base form I didn’t get to play through but from what I heard from a friend, it is unplayable. Regardless, this game is a pretty good first attempt at making Sonic 3D and the characters are some of my faves! Gameplay though characters play differently and I didn’t like some of them which is a shame cause I think there is a lot of charm put into Big and Amy but the real highlight is E-102 Gamma which was personally possibly my favorite story from Adventure. Once you conplete the game’s story you can go ahead and collect everything which all I have to say is good luck because it was an experience (majorly taken up by Mission 53).
So in conclusion, I recommend this game but please mod it first before jumping in so you don’t hamper your experience.

And now, I am taking a break from Sonic before jumping into Adventure 2.

Reviewed on Jan 30, 2024
