A Star Wars racing game purely based on the concept of pod-racing, that sounds like fun!

Well, it kinda is. It starts off pretty easy, you know, not much to worry about and stuff like that.
But then, you start to notice that the tracks start to get longer... and longer... and longer, so much so that by the end, each lap will take you almost 3 minutes to complete!
Then, the stages themselves also start to reuse assets from each other, and while many of them introduce new parts of the track for you to race on, there's still a lot that you will be racing on more times than you should.

By the end, the stages start getting so hard and so long, that the endurance run starts becoming so tiring, that there were multiple times where I considered shelving this game.
I did persevere until the end, but I was so tired, that I didn't even feel like doing some of the extra race tracks that the game had to offer.

Like, the gameplay itself can be very fun! Keeping an eye out on your machine so it doesn't blow itself up, trying to find the best time to do small repairs so you don't get left behind, and trying to find the best times to boost, that was engaging and fun.

But the bottom line is, this game's long-ass race tracks tired me out, and the game's big difficulty spike towards the end made me not wanna play this again anytime soon.
Maybe some multiplayer sessions in the future would be nice, though.

Reviewed on Jan 17, 2024
