Yakuza 4 - "You Gotta Go Balls Out"

Part-1 ||Shun Akiyama|| Whatever she did, RGG won't show to you
Started on a good note , Akiyama was a really likable character for me at first but him making a rape joke on hana then telling a mother who was along with her kid and who just excaped an abusive relationship to work in red light just put a bad taste in me, though the argument came be made that it's a product of its time and rape joke reflects it's age and he was just testing if the mother was determined enough to really go through the test or not.
next onto the plot mover that is
on to Lily aka Yasuko , RGG just can't write good female character.
We're always told about her being femme fatale but every scene she is completely bland, the game establishes that she kills by seduction but every time we see her she's completely bland ,
We never see her actually using any manipulation or her skills/personality,even for generating money in club ,we only hear about it never shown .
Her Character really falls flat ... anyway we hand her 100 million move to another character.

Part 2 Regrets? Can't say I got none. I regret every life I took.
Good Character stuck in really really bad section of game .
seriously fuck you saito.
I love getting stun locked and fighting this agile bitch with this dump truck of a character.
We escape with help of our best buddy hamazaki and yeah just happens to land on beach of Okinawa.
The fight with Kiryu was amazing.
Then after an awkward scene with haruka ,we reach city and here pace just halts to the ground.
After meeting with kido then florist then fighting Coliseum,we get an really emotional speech from the man himself.
This Scene Sold me on Saejima.
After meeting Sasai and weirdly this emotional moment is immediately followed by mini game aka sodachi ,
i found it used way too much dialogue to convey what little it wanted
Going back to hideout with such a banger music playing we fight Minami then Majima himself ,who was really hard but kinda fun.
and......end of Saejima section.

Part 3- A cheap way to cop out
playing as a cop was odd really for me.
tanimura's combat and substories really didn't interest me.now as part of finding about his
dad's death we try to talk to yasuko but she's dragged off to docks we save her then
exposition happens then we use meet up with katsuragi , who reveals he was the one behind
the hit. we then go The Forbidden Room this was the first time i felt the game just
didnt have much to tell with chapters ending quickly and trying too hard to justify their
length.next we meet akiyama then mishima then we get the "Japanese police can't shoot"
which to be fair with so many guns around the everyone must have become so dumb.though
i kinda like boat chase .
now with problem with Sugiuchi Boss fight - let's see for tanimura we have a character
who's strong point are parry and grapple which both have HEAT MOVES attached. we'll
whats the problem ? umm Sugiuchi just denies grapple and parry(when in heat mode).
now next we get the whole rubber bullets reveal ,now this has been fairly discussed so i
just mention my main gripe with it which are
--->the problem is not in bullets being of rubber but the way they were used mainly
Katsuragi’s plan relying on all other 18 people getting knocked out AND
only waking up AFTER Saejima left AND
him being the first to wake up so he could finish the job.
To me it felt like attempt at taking away complexity of saejima. It's like RGG can't have
protagonist be bad/ moraly grey.
The thing is i don't dislike tanimura but feel like game did'nt
do enough with tanimura maybe exploring little asia would have been great.
apart from what little we learn from substory the main story itself uses tanimura as an
pathetic excuse for exposition and details about what little mystery the game thinks it
have out we end this part.

Part 4 - Enter the Dragon
In another one of convenient coincidence ,hamazaki begs kiryu to go to save kamurocho
now we just happen to meet Yasuko in front of police station then from
Yasuko perspective two random strangers ask her to accompany them to a safe place ,without
giving any proof of whomsoever they are and this seems safe right?
next as kiryu we fight saito ,mandatory fuck you saito ,now this was so far the hardest batlle for me.
and just as i thought about character redemtion arc and bring intrested in how's game gonna handle
hamazaki ,beep boop he dies a cheap death.
after learning abot yasuko backstory then after telling him "what if your brother is already dead though, would you take your life!?"
sit here and don't make a mess ok bye!.
next majima gets arrested we learn about d̶a̶i̶g̶o̶ fuckup-o and Munakata.
then we have a rad fight with akiyama and tanimura.
now the group is at serena , akiyama dumbass as he is just tells about how he kept all money
without any lock . even though it's inline with akiyama character its just felt way to dumb moment.
next we set up a trade with the devil katsuragi ,using the file as leverage.

after fighting an entire skyscraper filled with Ueno Seiwa clan members reunion with saejima what happens? well it happens off screen
this imo for me was, what story was hinging on and then it just happens offscreen
kido shoots katsuragi,who is then shot by arai

Reviewed on Mar 05, 2024
