In the Name of Unicorn I choose You!

[TL;DR: The Heart of Unicorn]
Reflecting on my 140-hour journey, many criticisms I had about the game felt like mere nitpicks.
It’s clear that what began as a casual interest blossomed into a memorable gaming experience that has earned a special place among my favourites.

Yes it’s story trope-filled,yes it’s not a masterpiece in storytelling or anything , But the presentation,diverse cast ,regions just makes me love the game more.
Side stories felt more personal and short.
I felt like the game knew what its story and strength lied at.

Throughout my 140 hours with the game I was surprised by how much the game kept my attention and kept providing something to look forward to.

Unicorn Overlord is Vanillaware showcasing peak gameplay innovation with engaging characters, customizable gameplay, and addictive mechanics,
It’s their commitment to elevating the TRPG genre.

The Story goes for a grand, multi-country scale fantasy war fable, rather than a politically charged, morally ambiguous narrative and as such may not meet everyone's expectations.
In assessing a story, it's important not to fixate on whether it adheres to common themes or tropes. Instead, we should consider its overall quality and how effectively it achieves its intended genre and tone.

It delivers a good story especially accounting for how it’s structured where we can have so many characters and gimping our team or denying a certain area even for story may severely could’ve affected the gameplay which showcase their dedication to delivering an immersive and well-rounded game.

[Side Stories]
The side stories transcend mere optional content;
There are over 60 characters to recruit and each with their introductions,themes,story and fantastic voice acting

They are essential components that intertwine to create Fevrith's rich narrative.
These Individual glimpses introduce potential allies, offering players a distinctive and personalised view of the kingdom's diverse inhabitants.

The side quests really feel like the heart of the story, fostering emotional connections and delivering memorable experiences that drive the game forward.

I really think they nailed the combat and hope that they do at least something from it’s combat system later down the line,

1.)I really really liked how they managed to keep the gameplay engaging enough even till near end of game
You start the game with being able to house 2 units in each 3 squads, through earning honors you can ultimately have 5 units max in 10 squads.
There are tactics which if you have fine control over to fine tune each ability trigger on your
Initially though the tactics may seem to not be that complex it quickly ramps up as more and more units and abilities are unlocked,

2.)I really appreciated how the game doesn't shy away from giving you actually powerful equipment which makes so always look forward to next big equipment ,then coming up with a squad to make it’s optimal use

[Difficulties of Combat]
A note on how i played the game->I only used the uniques(aka not hired mercenaries, unless a unit class was available to be hired that i have not still recruited which only happens in case of Gryphon rider and Wyvern Knight)
I found that not using mercenaries really compliments the gameplay and makes you actually think about your units not not just put multiples of “strongest” classes in one unit and you can’t just put Shaman or Knight in every unit and plough through the game.

1.)I found the difficulty of the game overall challenging and fun.
But do understand how some can find it too easy and may think it was the game's fault but I think some responsibility of making a game, challenging and fun falls on the player too as in maybe restricting certain items , mechanics to make it enjoyable.

2.)Now the sad part is the colosseum , why you ask?.well it shows just how technical and hard the combat of the game can become if only the enemy units are actually given Proper
Equipment and have at least Tactics set and shows what happens when battle forecast is not available to you

3)Now coming onto the problem that is battle forecast ,
Which essentially tells you the outcome of battle will be,
And it updates based on changes made though your unit's position/tactics.
so you know you can just switch units positions/tactics per encounter, hence change the hit/attack RNGs and get a desirable outcome reasonably well, to this you may say
“well then just don’t change your position, problem solved roll with whatever rng you get”
But changing and adapting to the enemy's strategy is the core part of what makes combat so good ,
I want to change my position in the unit not because the battle forecast told me so but because I saw the enemy units and thought about which of my unit’s positions/tactics is the problem.

TL;DR battle forecast doesn’t teach weather the changes you made were simply because it was good for your unit placements or it was good in that scenario only

4)Not Being able to choose specific unit in tactics sucks(
in game you can only choose ‘prioritise unit’ not ‘only choose this unit’,
This problem starts to get more erogenous as we start to move from 4-5 units per squad because up until that point you could’ve used full column>back row/front row to atleast reliable buff a particular character but this stops working on 5 units as we now have atleast 2 units on front row

These issues affect the enjoyment of the otherwise meticulously crafted tactical RPG gameplay.

Reviewed on Apr 21, 2024
