Before playing this game I saw one cinematic trailer and thought "I like space settings :)" and got excited for the game, then I heard game journalists struggling with the gameplay and other people saying the dodge system was unreliable and I adjusted my expectations.

Now having beaten the game I have NO idea how people struggled with the gameplay, the dodging works perfectly fine. I played on normal and never got angry or frustrated with the game once. Everything responded the way it should. I remember hearing a compliant that there were too many guns for a melee based game but I honestly never bought one. This game shares its DNA with Dead Space and as such I applied that logic to playing this game. Much like how Dead Space is easier with just the plasma cutter i found this game to be fine focusing on upgrading melee and then the default guns the game gives you. That way the inventory was easier to manage and I had more money to go around.

Do I think the combat was perfect? No, it was rather shallow but it was serviceable and the lack of iconic boss fights made combat less memorable (And frankly the gameplay's weakness are shown the most in the last boss fight where you can't take a hit or you die). But it was all I needed to support the atmosphere.

I spent most of my play time anticipating a quality drop but there never was one, at least not a big one. The plot was just a rehash of the first Dead Space and the characters have about as much dimension as any characters from that franchise (aka none) but none of that stopped the game from meeting my original expectation of having fun in space.

But all the jumpscares are SUPER lame. They all so basic and have zero punch.

Reviewed on Dec 29, 2022
