The core gameplay is very enjoyable which is saying a lot because I am not a fan of roguelikes, especially the permadeath aspect as I do not find replaying entire chunks of the game over and over again to get stronger very fun but Deadlink handles this aspect quite well by giving you lots of upgrades to work with.
The problem with this comes from three main issues.

Firstly, enemies in this game including the most basic fodder enemies are tanky to an insane degree. I don't think I've ever played a shooter since Shadow Warrior 2013 on Insane difficulty where the enemies are this much of a bullet sponge. It's not enjoyable and it's tedious having to chew through so many magazines and bullets just to put one grunt out of his misery.

Secondly, the enemy variety itself is full of lame enemies. Enemies that teleport onto you for cheap damage? Yep. Enemies with shields that just bull rush you. You bet! Enemies that buff up other enemies and run away. Of course! Deadlink is just full of annoying enemy types that contradict with my next and final point: player speed and movement.

This game is lacking in the movement department, yeah you got your standard double jump and dash, but your base movement speed is excruciatingly slow for a game like this. The Soldier class has a grapple hook to mitigate this lack of movement, except it's put on a long cooldown or you can use the Hunter class, which if you do that you may as well kiss your run goodbye as it's easily the worst class of the three. Weapons need to be reloaded which do not fit the gunplay loop at all considering you're getting harassed from enemies on all sides at every encounter.
The game is still good but these issues are what's stopping it from rising beyond a 7/10. Maybe after a few more updates these issues might be resolved. Overall, a neat but difficult and at times, frustrating roguelike FPS.

Reviewed on Apr 05, 2023
