What a disappointment. After coming off of two stellar titles (Origins and Odyssey), UbiSoft releases this bloated mess. The game itself is beautiful to look at, especially on the PS5, but the rest is unbelievable. The story is fine until the 20 hour mark where it begins to just be unbearable and grating. At this point I found myself rushing through the main storyline just to finish this pretty turd. The sound design is lackluster, some tunes are fine while the others can be downright annoying. The game is one of the largest Assassin’s Creed games ever but is never inspiring. Powers that you can earn are overall terrible, with you resorting to using only one or two the entire game. There is also a similar issue with your weapons and armor. It takes so many resources to level up an item that was earned late in the game, that it isn’t even worth it. I ended up sticking with an early weapon and armor set that I used 90% of the game. Base building is featured in this game, but ultimately it doesn’t matter in the end. The worst part? It has a terrible ending. You put so many hours into a game hoping that your efforts pay off, and it just doesn’t come through. The Viking theme is awesome, but just was poorly executed. I really hope the next AC game is better.

Reviewed on Jan 23, 2022
