Style over Substante: The Game.
The artstyle is amazing just like the fantasy world inside of a computer. The story is also kinda good and sweet. Everything works in perfect harmony.
But the combat just feels off, I couldn't tell when and why I got hit most of the times because the animations are made after the artstyle which makes it difficult to see when the hitting animation beggins.
The world structure is also poor, the game tries to pass of as a metroidvania but the metroidvania factor boild down to a NPC saying "Go back and get the key to open this one door" and then you have to get another key in a empy room to open the door that leads to the first key.
It gets boring and frustrating and it's really a shame because, as I said, the visual, the music and the world are insanely good.

Reviewed on May 01, 2021
