This collection contains the three updated Bioshock games from the 7th generation. The ports are good and most of the games hold up. Infinite is the big mixed bag, still. Its plot is honestly muddled, especially the ending and the two DLC packs. They just didn't know what to do with this story. Bioshock still holds up fairly well in the imm simm category, and Bioshock 2 does pretty well, too. Minerva's Den is the standout of the series, however, as it is too good to be ignored, and is now included in this package. That said, here are my individual scores of each game and major story DLC:

Bioshock: 9/10
Bioshock 2: 8/10
Bioshock: Minerva's Den: 10/10
Bioshock Infinite: 4/10
Bioshock: Burial at Sea: 4/10

Reviewed on Aug 20, 2023
