Short, snappy, and a fun pixel treat.

Take Megaman X and add bunny girls and you shamelessly had me from the start! Lol

Your mileage is gonna vary with this game, as it truly depends on which character you choose that changes up the game's feel and story completely! Like Zero from Megaman X3? Go with Hazel. Like Classic Sonic? Go with Axel. Though I do feel that Axel's gameplay was easier overall.

Game mechanics feel pretty tight and snappy, with Hazel's homing attack and counter being fun to use and Axel's leaps and twirls propelling you through stages with hardly an issue. I didn't realize what the Karma mechanic really did though until about the last few boss fights.

Level design feels a bit too short and simple, with some stages having interesting gimmicks but not really escalating with progression and skill. Boss battles kinda make up for it though, as the later ones feel rather intricately designed.

I think a little bit more could've been done with the story and it's cast, but the stages were already so short as is that it might've made the gaps in gameplay too long. What was done though was sufficient.

For a relatively small team of devs, this was a well-made game and I look forward to whatever next project they want to do next.

Especially if it has bunny girls. ❤️

Reviewed on Mar 20, 2024
