Kirby gameplay with the game design of a Metroid like game is a genius idea, however it lacks interesting and distinctive zones that could help the player memorize the map sections or remember something interesting to come back to later.

The in game map doesn't help, in fact nothing s explained to the player, and although I can see some people liking that I personally find it annoying.

This is also around the time where the art style in Kirby games slightly changed and I don't like it. I can't point exactly what it is but it feels a bit more "generic platformer levels" compared to the previous entries that had some sort of "celestial" or "space" or "faraway starland" vibe to then, vene if it was just in some graphical textures or color palletes.

However this still plays like a dream which is something Kirby never fails at, the co-op is an improvement from previous games and the fact that you can use the AI in solo play can result in interesting puzzle solving.

I wish they could give this formula another try, with better understanding of this somewhat niche genre and Forgotten Land's 3D movement we could have the pieces for an incredible Kirby game.

In the meantime I'm just not entretained enough with this one to see it through, at least for now...

Reviewed on Dec 31, 2023
