This game is weird, but in a good way.

I really like the way it looks, I dare anyone to find something more aggressively late 90's sci-fi, the levels all look super cool and there's a lot of interesting stuff that they did with the textures here and there, the levels with gemoetrical and reflective surfaces being what comes to mind first.

Your main character being the sprite of a buff guy with a gun (is it a gun?) for a head running around shooting in a 3d space gives it all an interesting look.

Also I really like the sniper mode, with the robotic breathing and UI, again idk if this guy is supposed to be a cyborg or anything but it just looks cool, like most stuff in this game.

It has a nice sense of humor here and there, which I liked too.

The biggest issue for me were how annoying certain areas felt. This is a short game, but it feels like it has just the right lenght. However, when you realize that there are no secrets and how everything boils down to long hallways interrupted by huge rooms where you shoot stuff, it undermines the experience a bit.

Still, presentation is what this game has the most going for. Dropping from space before every level is fun, gunning down enemies and jumping nonstop like a maniac is exhilarating (I love infinite ammo), dropping the world's smallest nuke is funny (at least to me) every time.

Fun game, fun experience, but not much else

Reviewed on Apr 17, 2023
