This game is honestly just not as good as 2, might not even be better than 1. The enemies have some cool moves and stuff but they look so bland compared to the angels and demons, it's like if smash bros had the normal moves for all the characters but every character was replaced with a fighting polygon team version of their looks if that makes any sense. The combat can be really fun but being forced to summon and fight as a huge slow demon can be so tedious and takes you out of the combat so often it become a chore. The levels have a really nice amount of diversity in them but there's so many collectables and secrets that I have no desire to replay them just to look for them, especially since combat encounters can just be missed, it just makes me not want to go back in to look for the things I missed because it won't be worth it for an extra codex entry or an encounter I should've just been given the chance to do in my first run. The ending too, I have no idea what happened, it feels like they just wanted to go out with a bang but it failed, it failed hard. Don't even get me started on the spy missions or Viola, her gameplay was miserable to me and her character was always just a period of time I couldn't be having fun as Bayonetta. Fun game, good game, but not as good as the 8 years should've made it.

Reviewed on Nov 02, 2022
