It’s a bit hard to describe Verne. It’s a mix of point and click adventure mixed with some puzzles and stealth sections. It focuses heavily on the story, lore and exploration. Although the levels are pretty linear, there are lots of collectibles that are meant to flesh out the world & characters. The puzzles are not difficult, they’re fun and add a bit of variety. They focus on observation skills. There are about 3-4 stealth sections that are not really long. There are also some QTE sections in critical moments but those can be turned off if you’re not a fan. What you get is an entertaining game that feels like a movie. This is emphasised with the camera direction and the game being fully voiced. The graphics were very impressive and looked great on a 1440p monitor. I’m so happy and grateful the game is fully voiced. I personally love Verne’s voice. The rest weren’t as good sometimes but I still prefer voice acting instead of reading text with a game focused on story like this one.

Overall I had a good time getting 100% in 6.5 hours. I love the world created here. The developers were very ambitious and tried their best with the budget they had. Each section is full of details. There’s little to complain about, especially with the asking price. I paid around €10 and definitely think it’s worth it.

Reviewed on Sep 05, 2023
