The presentation is truly impressive. The attention to detail that went into the graphics is something that will stay with me for a while, the music is moving in ways I haven’t felt like that for a long time, the characters all have personalities and the story is very well told which is made better thanks to the expressions on characters’ faces.

My issues are mainly related to the gameplay. I love metroidvania games and I enjoy some of the original aspects introduced with the flying mechanic. The way the levels are connected is unpleasant for backtracking and collecting anything you miss. There is a cool menu where you can check all the coins you’re missing in every area. But there is no map at all and it’s not possible to teleport anywhere. This is a big deal that should have been added with a game of this type. I also didn’t like the time it takes to wait on Alfonso’s weapon to charge. I understand that his weapon is OP and this is needed to keep things balanced, but it’s too long to the point of being a bit unpleasant.

Then there’s the game’s challenge. It’s difficult to put into words, it’s not necessarily too difficult or game breaking cheap. But it doesn’t mind teaching you the hard way by killing you easily and wasting your time until you get it right. It often feels like you need to go through this process at least once to get with the program. The controls are a bit clunky or unusual, so that might be one of the reasons. The good news is the game having many checkpoints. So you’re mostly repeating the parts you’re failing at. I’m not sure if I want to change the challenge and make it more forgiving but I’ve dealt with some frustrating sections near the end. I’m putting this out here in case you’re thinking the game is cute and are expecting a cakewalk.

I was dreading the last area and I’ve read how many people thought the last boss fight was too cheap. But I surprisingly loved it. The entire last area and the ending was perfect and made the annoying parts worth going through. But, I have the feeling I didn’t see everything. There are some unique collectibles that I’m guessing will affect the ending in some way. I’m still debating whether it’s worth collecting everything and see what happens. It would have been 100% yes but the backtracking like mentioned is unpleasant.

The game is definitely worth experiencing even without 100% collecting everything if you’re fan of the genre or are looking for the best looking/presented Super Nintendo games. This game has that special look that is a bit hard to describe.

Reviewed on Oct 03, 2023
