I have been mostly enjoying Monomals and I was really planning on finishing it but it wasn’t meant to be. The second half of the game became too buggy, coupled with the increased challenge, it became too much. But let’s start from the beginning and explain things a bit more.

The game is special. It has that Nintendo quality about it in terms of originality and creating an inviting world. The gameplay is very unique, it needs getting used to but it works. It’s the controls and momentum created while you’re under or above water. New gameplay ideas keep getting introduced, keeping the game fresh. The game has 4 worlds with 7 stages each. I made it to world 3 stage 7.

The game is a bit challenging in general. That challenge keeps increasing gradually. Failures become more punishing and checkpoints becomes more sparse the further you get. What makes all of this harder to deal with is the game being so buggy that you have to restart a level. Your character often gets stuck, especially when you’re above water. Sometimes I get lucky and bring my character back to the water but it doesn’t always work. This happened rarely in the first 2 worlds but it became more frequent in world 3. The game also crashed on me for the first time in world 3.

Life is too short and there are too many awesome games to deal with those kind of bugs. It’s a shame because the game is very good otherwise. It also has a creator mode that I didn’t touch. The game is strong enough on its own having ignored that mode completely. The game is worth giving a try if you like quirky games but I hope you, the reader, are luckier than me.

Reviewed on Nov 24, 2023
