I spent 2 hours on this and I was very excited to play more. This is a 2014 release made available for Apple Arcade and it’s seriously impressive in many ways. It made me nostalgic with how charming it looks. The touch controls are clearly well thought out and perfectly tailored for mobile devices. It’s awesome how you have a lot of freedom in terms of dialogue options, how quests are carried out and being able to be any class with one character as long as you have the stats to learn the skills.

What made me give up is how repetitive it quickly started feeling and how my journey feels pointless due to the way the story is handled or the lack of.

1. The fights are mostly carried out the same way
2. I’m already seeing the same enemies too many times
3. Even the variations to the enemies hardly makes the fights feel fresh
4. I’m seeing a lot of asset re-use in the environments even though it looks pretty
5. All the dungeons follow similar patterns, there are no puzzles or anything to distinguish them besides go through halls, open chests and beat the enemies

Pointless journey
1. You start training with no explanation why you’re doing it or who you are
2. The quests you find seem random and there is no real plot to advance the story forward
3. On that note, there is no main story. After a while it seems to be about retrieving the 3 crystals for the king but it feels like any other random task you’re given
3. It doesn’t matter if you do some quests or not
4. There are random encounters in the world map that makes advancing the quests more annoying and adds to the feeling of everything being pointless

The stuff with the story might be a necessity to give you complete freedom with the dialogue choices & different outcomes but everything combined makes for an uninteresting game.

Other nitpicks: no quest tracker, no manual save but only automatic save when you’re in the world map, when you die you’re back in the world map and have to start a dungeon again, some bugs with your character not attacking right away but walking to the target

The game might still be worth playing to others but I’d rather play a game that is more engaging.

Reviewed on Dec 10, 2023
