Just using this as a spot to log Tamagotchi Monster for Java as it's not on Backloggd for some reason. But yeah. Going by my experience on it as it being a depiction of what the general gest of how the classic Tamagotchi experience is like, yeah it's pretty good! Not my usual cup of tea but I liked the experience.

I especially really liked the accuracy Tamagotchi Monster was going for in particular. It felt pretty spot on and in the context of a Java Phone game it felt pretty natural to play on my 𝘒𝘀𝘡𝘢𝘒𝘭 phone on a Java emulator and get the feel of what it's meant to supply here. Once you're bored at a train station or done responding an email or done playing one game, maybe check on the monster for a few minutes and see how they're doing. And in that angle, it does it very well. Both in terms of the core classic Tamagotchi experience doing that well, and the Java game doing it well as well.

Now, 𝘣𝘦𝘀𝘒𝘢𝘴𝘦 of that, I wasn't able to get more into it as I was hoping I would. But that's not nesesarely the fault of it and, like I said. It's more so Classic Tamagotchi being not quite my cup of tea. But I still liked my time with it don't get me wrong, and I wouldn't mind playing through it again. Whether that be on this spesific Java game, any of the other Tamagotchi games or maybe even a real life Tamagotchi. Just, with the hopes of 𝘯𝘰𝘡 getting a game over after forgetting to check it for a few days lol

And some aditional stuff about Tamagotchi Monster spesifically, but I do really like the monster vibe it had. While I wanted something a bit more vanilla for my first Classic Tamagotchi experience, I nontheless apreciated the uniqueness this theme brought in. And the control layout was pretty well acomodated for a phone pad layout as well.

So...yeah, not much more than that except, while not my cup of tea, I nontheless liked this Tamagotchi experience and I wouldn't hesitate at the thought of trying it again someday.

Reviewed on Dec 31, 2023
