Wind Waker is a gorgeous game with some of the most incredible facial expression ever put to screen, and yet it is held back by some heinous game design that hinders an otherwise enjoyably cosy adventure game.

The sense of adventure and exploration on the high seas for example is mired by increasingly irritating features such as the insistence players must stop their venture to conduct the fucking winds in order to make any changes to their course less painful, which only succeeds in leaving you more bitter that the game lacks fast travel from island to island.

If a side quest requires you to backtrack for some indetermimal item you may often find yourself writing it off, as no number of seagulls majestically flying overhead or easy rupee collecting is going to make that venture any less tedious, I regret to report.

These annoyances can also seep into the gameplay experienced on the various islands you must work your way through, most notably on the very first hostile island you encounter, which features areas where one wrong move can result in you having to retrace your steps from the past twenty minutes all over again.

Aw here, you let go of a button too early when waiting for your lil green lad to scootch across a chasm? Eat shit pal, time to sneak past a bunch of beef up bipedal warthogs with lanterns and spears again.

Maybe I am spoilt by the leniancy of games that proceeded it, or maybe I expect more of it due to the pedigree of other Zelda installments, but I have found Wind Waker to at it's best be a simple wee romp of oceanic adventures, though at its worst and more often than not a slog which I question if I can be bothered to see through.

Having said that, the way the big man and his gang of youths strut about the place atop Windfall Island means I cannot see this game out at anything lower than a three star score, and then I'm also shaving off a half star because it gave me a sense of insecurity that I'm just not very good at it and it's actually really good and that everyone else is right about this and I'm in the wrong.

It's awwite.

One of my best friends told me to play this game.

I've known him since I was 12 years old. We met on the playground at school and got chatting about everything from our favourite games to our plans for the future, and we pretty much hit it off from that very first meeting.

That schoolyard friendship would go on to bolssom into something greater, as over time we went from childish conversations of shared interests to cherished premature experiences, growing no longer as children but rather as people, in an environment not quite accustomed to our way of living.

I'll never forget the day he called me - when I was so lost and ready to give it all up - to tell me that out of all of his friends, he had chosen me to be the best man at his wedding.

I was ecstatic. I had never and to date have never been the best man at a wedding before. I remember spending hours an evening writing up the perfect best man speech for his wedding day.

There's a weird weight that befalls you when you take on that responsibility; you find that you graft and you toil to, in essence, prove your worth to folk who may very well have been other potential candidates for the role - some of whom are family, similarly close friends from your circle , and others who you will have never met and shall never meet again.

But let me tell you, the ecstacy you feel when you get it right, that feeling you get in your soul, your very core, as a drunken uncle confronts you when you're three red wine and Red Bulls deep with Underworld playing in the background, is indescribable.

World of Tanks was that friend's favourite game. His dad who sold me drugs a couple of times got him into it. They both loved how military/historically accurate it was, and explained in excruciating detail why that made it such a good game worthy of my free time.

They were however massively right-wing racists and reliant pot smokers, which I only really begun to accept when I stopped smoking weed myself, although long before I cut the habit I'd learnt that World of Tanks was not a very good game for myself, and so I am compelled to teach that lesson to you, my children.