Assassin's creed chronicles as a trilogy is one of my all-time favorite entries into the AC catalog.
Understandably shunned by most mainstream fans of the series for being so radically different yet nevertheless fully within Ubisoft's wheelhouse, the games are a departure from the open-world RPG style assassin's creed games and a return to Ubisoft's roots in the prince of Persia games.
Chronicles feature 2.5D mostly linear levels, testing the player in tight counter-combat, and stealth tactics.

Now onto China specifically:
Chronicles China follows Shao Jun, a Chinese assassin who is one of the very last in her order, on a quest for revenge with a precursor artifact in the mix.
The story is sub-par to say the least, but nonetheless the characters are interesting and aesthetically it all works very well.
The world is doused in gorgeous muted watercolor, the whole thing feels very polished visually, stylized just enough to be somewhat timeless.
The core of what makes it all so memorable to me is the gameplay, separated into three categories: combat, assassin, and shadow.
The game scores you for consistency but ultimately favors stealth above all else.
I appreciate that the game offers you plenty of reward for playing your own way, allowing newer players to have plenty of fun brute forcing the harder levels, but still rewarding players for mastering the main stealth gameplay as is intended to be front and center.

Much like the classic AC games Chronicles is going to require discipline and calm more than anything, patience is absolutely king here.
Stay on top of your tools and master the basic pathing of enemies and you'll find yourself not just acing levels, but actively getting through sections without having to retry before long.
For me it was on my second playthrough that it really started to click, I haven't gone all the way to 100% shadow but I'd say I'm at about 80-90%

The primary gameplay levels are broken up with running levels that allow the game to breath and showcase some neat 2.5D action setpieces, the first one of these at the moody port gives way to the bustling city which introduces social stealth.
The whole thing has a solid flow and pace that culminates in a very engaging final sequence atop the great wall.

China stands out among the trilogy as being the only one that encouraged brute force, this can seem like a slightly rushed or underdeveloped idea but I personally believe it was a good way to introduce players to the gameplay concept.
Chronicles is a stricter and simpler game than typical Assassin's Creed games so for the first entry to offer players a more obvious solution without slamming the door on them seems wise to me.
The combat is fairly similar to AC counter-combat and so can be understood perfectly well without much explanation.

All thing's considered Chronicles is unique for an AC game but if stealth focus is something you like I strongly recommend you give it a try, just don't go in expecting something that isn't here, this is not an AC RPG.

Reviewed on Jul 11, 2023
