An intricate and thoughtful first-person puzzler that ponders what makes us human. It's philosophical musings are certainly pretentious, but not to its detriment.

The stellar VO work and soundtrack impress throughout, but aesthetically, I'd have preferred a more stylised look - sometimes it can be hard to spot interactables in the realistic environments - but this is a small nitpick.

The gameplay smartly plays into the underlying narrative, and outside of the (largely optional) secret stars, the puzzles are smartly designed. The announced sequel looks to add even more devious mechanics to the mix, and I cannot wait.

Reviewed on Sep 21, 2023

1 Comment

8 months ago

There's a demo for the second one out on steam. Or in case you'd rather wait for the full release, I'll just say I really enjoyed it - the puzzles are similar with some new elements being slowly introduced, the story seems fun and promising, the levels are massive and beautiful. Very excited for this one.