So I don't watch a ton of Naruto. I love the Storm games a lot and used to watch part 1 Naruto when I was a kid, but lost interest around when Shippuden started. Played through all the Storm games again thanks to the Trilogy release on Switch and now I finish it up with the Storm 4 release. I played the original version when it came out on PS4, but never played the Boruto stuff.

As far as the Boruto stuff goes, it's fine. The Switch version lags hard in the semi-open world due to the massive amount of NPCs wandering around so maybe play it on something else. It can feel a bit like whiplash going from the craziness of the main story where you're playing as a bunch of different characters and having all these different gameplay styles going to basic Storm fights where you play as Boruto and like nobody else for most of it. It also only covers the movie which I wasn't expecting going in. A lot of my problems playing it mostly just come from the fact it's adopting the movie and not like an arc of the show/manga. It can feel a bit like you're just doing an abridged version of Storm 1 ending with when Orochimaru attacked the Leaf during the Chunin Exam. While I haven't seen the film, I can imagine that's what it's like and why a lot of the big stuff and crazy action is saved till the end instead of in bursts throughout since that's how movies tend to structure themselves.

As for everything else in the game, I have a lot of fun with it. The gameplay is just as over the top flashy as you expect from the Storm series only gets a bit crazier here as there's giant battles thrown in this time. These are usually slow and weighty fights or shoot-em-up sections depending on what the story calls for. There's also parts where you're just fighting hundreds of weak henchmen similar to a Musou game. As far as core gameplay mechanics that can be used outside of the story mode, I believe the biggest new addition is swapping who you play as in combat. At any point you can swap to playing as one of your assists as long as their gauge is filled. They all share one health bar and chakra bar, so it's not like a BBTag or Fighterz. This can be fun to do and helps spice up the Boruto mode a bit.

I do wish the story in the main mode was presented better. I'm guessing since the anime hadn't gotten to this part yet (yeah I remember it being a big joke with my friends that the games finished the story before the anime did cause it was stuck in filler Hell) they didn't know how to fully structure every seen or maybe it was just to cut down on development costs. In any case, the story most of the time uses this motion comic look that just doesn't work for me. It just takes out all of the emotion and excitement the scenes may have had. There's still times it uses the in-game models to do story stuff and you obviously still have the fun QTEs (or at least I like them), but a lot of the story isn't told that way and it sucks.

Storm 4 is a fun game. If you don't plan on playing the Boruto story, then the Switch version is fine. However if you do then please grab this on like any other platform if you can. Maybe when Boruto ends, we can get a Storm 5 that covers that show (or hell give me a Naruto game that covers the movies cause I'm always upset this series has so many games, but the movies get ignored. Can't say it's cause they're filler cause Dragon Ball has 0 problems constantly covering the movies).

Reviewed on Aug 25, 2023
