I'm not rating this game cause I didn't finish it, but after a couple hours of playing and getting to the boss of the second area I just can't get into it. This is where I sound like a complete moron, but I found this kid's game that was probably beaten by tons of 8 year olds really confusing with all of its different mechanics and how little they explain how to do even basic things. Like I was finding the game a lot more difficult that I probably should have and when I eventually found someone's LP of the game on YouTube, they had like 11 of the two units whereas I had only 3. I had to dig around the menus to find a bit of text that explains you have to keep one of each unit in reserve and plant trees in the levels in order to grow more animals to use in the levels. Although even when I did that my numbers never felt like they were increasing and I just kind of gave up. I'll give the game another try at some point in the future, but I'm not looking forward to it.

Reviewed on Sep 16, 2023
