While this may have been a bigger letdown when it first released considering it was to hold people over till Psychonauts 2 was finished (4 years later) and I managed to finish it in just under 2 hours (that's with me messing around and taking time to figure out some of the puzzles).

The game definitely has all the charm I love from the first and second games only with updated visuals to match more with 2. Characters still have that weird Klasky Csupo looking design and the writing is still really good. It's funny, witty, and can mix in some of the more serious stuff in pretty well. It's honestly probably the worst thing about the game being so short cause once you rescue everyone, the game's over. You don't get a lot of the whole crew bouncing off each other.

The actual gameplay is fine. It's just a simple puzzle game that never really asks a lot from you. You just go from area to area rescuing your friends and in the area you're just popping from different points of view in order to get a better view of things you need. I do wish some of the late game puzzles had a bit more going on cause there really just isn't. Hell the final area is basically just a boss fight that only uses like 2 of your abilities. Lili definitely has the best segment of the game, even if part of it involves a sliding block puzzle that I never like.

Honestly if you can get the game on sale or something you'll be better off. It's a fun game, but the $20 asking price is A LOT unless you're just a super mega Psychonauts fan.

Reviewed on Aug 04, 2023
