Not rating cause I didn't finish. Shelving for now cause I'm just getting too frustrated playing it. I had a ton of fun with the first Superhot, but this VR one just doesn't work for me. I don't have the space to be able to fully move around like the game wants and this tends to lead to a lot of deaths that I don't fully agree with. Hard to see where my hitbox is and hard to aim weapons as I'll think I'm aiming for the enemy's torso only for the bullet to fly off way past their head. Combine all this with pretty infrequent checkpoints and save points (there's checkpoints after every 3 or 4 sections and save points after 2 or 3 checkpoints) and you just have a recipe for a game that I just can't force myself to keep playing on my days off.

Yeah yeah "git gud scrub" whatever. I'll come back to it eventually when I have more space, but for now I'm limiting my VR to just games I can play while seated.

Reviewed on Aug 15, 2023
