Mechanically really sound, but I'm gonna stand with what a lot of other people said.

The game essentially cuts its story in half, requiring that you play the DLC to see the ending, and that ending is really lackluster. The boss fight in that DLC is exactly what I wanted, except 100x more buggy and drawn out, which made it awful. The story is really badly written even without the split and bad boss fight, so just know that while there is a plot, you play this game for the game, not anything remotely well written.

I played this game on steam, and on that version the achievements are extremely annoying and badly made, sometimes triggering much earlier than they should or the one that requires that you to fly for 100k kilometers or something like that, needing to have either ~50hr of playtime or leave your computer for 5hr on a workshop map.

Most levels are really well made, but there's a lot of really easy or uninteresting ones. Not necessarily a bad thing though, they act as kind of a palette cleanser.

As I said at the start, the game is really good mechanically, all the abilities work well together and are generally smooth, allowing for some fun precision through the good levels.

The marathon mode was a nice challenge and is a really well implemented and fun idea.

The steam version has workshop support that allows users to make custom maps, which were really nice to play on.

Overall I think the game is alright, the drawbacks are pretty big drawbacks but this game isn't bad by any measure, and for people who like good movement in games regardless of anything else, try it at least.

Reviewed on Dec 28, 2023
