So excited for people to experience this when it gets translated, the routes are stellar, 4/6 of them are incredible, I only think Nanami's and Yua's could do with some touching up

Reviewed on Jan 29, 2022


2 years ago

how substantial of an improvement over the original are we talking about here because i find it very hard to believe we went from 3/10 material to 10/10

2 years ago

the real question is why does the title have a ;
ignore these bozos
I'm excited for it to be translated to, chaos was great so I'm looking forward to this!

2 years ago

@chandler Oh if you don't like C;H PC I think it's unlikely you'll enjoy NoAH, but I think it expands on the characters (and the world) very well, Sena's route stands out to me as my favourite in this regard, I didn't play C;H PC so I'm judging my experience based on if I had stopped after the NoAH common route, but the experience would've left me feeling unfulfilled. I've heard the worry before that taking the focus off of Takumi may result in the routes not being great but I didn't think that was an issue at all.
rip bozo!
also what is the difference between this and noah
is it like how robotics note elite is just an updated version with better art and whatnot

2 years ago

in all fairness i thought c;h had a solid concept and i really enjoyed its first couple hours but after that it became a really aimless trudge where half of it was focused on these detective characters who were boring incarnate. my biggest gripe beyond that though was the delusion trigger mechanic being absolutely worthless outside of getting some hidden alternate ending. also the antagonist and the conclusion as a whole was barely thought out. but if you only read this one i guess you don't have much basis for comparison

2 years ago

@theadhdagenda NoAH adds 6 characters routes, one for each of the main girls, that expands a lot upon their characters and has a lot of new content, as well as a few new scenes in the common route (there's only a few and they aren't super important so don't worry about skipping common when NoAH comes out). The ending structure has also been changed and there's a new true ending that's slightly different from the AA ending from C;H PC

2 years ago

and in noah takumi became an actual character instead of a static plot device who only has chara dev at the very end via a crappy deus ex machina ?