Where's That Damn 4th Chaos Emerald!

Shadow The Hedgehog is the next home console sonic game after Sonic Heroes and it's DNA really show's in the games visuals and controls albeit the game is hell of a lot better controling than heroes.The branching paths idea is awesome on paper until you realize how many endings they actually are and ALL OF THEM are needed to unlock the final boss so what could've been a silly but entertaining entry into the sonic franchise becomes a slog because how much you need to actually replay the game to get the true ending it might even be up there as one of the worst games to 100% because of it,It REALLY is that bad so a good take-a-way for this game is the game is good,the soundtrack is great,the visuals are the same as heroes,controls well,satisfying gameplay,cool gimmic in the path-branching that gets dulled down by content overload (that is mainly padding)

Originally the game was meant to have multiple vocal tracks depending on what path you took but it ended up getting scrapped.

Reviewed on Jun 05, 2023
