Gonna be real here guys, I liked this a little bit more then the first game but overall it's still about on par with the first one. Yes it's stripped down the combat like......a lot. But to be honest a lot of the stuff they trimmed was kinda superfluous for the most part and all the stuff they kept in was fine tuned to a point where I didn't really miss the old moves. I really like how the game handles its upgrades now, instead of getting xp and picking out your upgrades in a skill tree you acquire skills and moves from doing side missions and finding collectibles scattered around the map. You could say this makes upgrading a tedious slog but if anything they just made it more streamlined and simple, taking away the need to grind ridiculous amounts of XP to get one late game move.

Honestly that's how I'd describe the whole game, more simple and streamlined. Which I guess depending on who you are and whether or not you liked the first Prototype this is either the worst game ever or just forgettable. I however just thought it was a more fun experience overall.

Also the main character is really funny. James Heller is about as forgettable as Alex Mercer but the only reason I enjoyed him more then Alex was mainly down to how the game presents them. Alex was this cool stone cold killer who has a lost past, he's so edgy and evil isn't he a badass, meanwhile James is written like how a 17 year old would write his badass loner "He lost his wife and daughter to the new Mercer virus, now suffering with super PTSD he now serves only one purpose in his life, Killing Alex Mercer." It's so generic and stupid it's kinda funny. James's whole character most of the time is that he's always angry and on the verge popping a blood vessel, he says "the fuck word" so many times in this game it borderlines on comical. My favorite line in the whole game is when James is trying to hack a computer and he's getting so mad that he just starts going off in the funniest way possible.
James: I'm at the computer. What do I press.?
Father Guerra: First you need to......
James: I'm pressing the red button. SHIT. Now the screens all fucked up. Shits broken.
Father Guerra: Okey now press the "alternate" key, "A" "L" "T", "alternate"...
James: Alt? There is no fucking alt. I got a fucking squiggly line key, I got a fucking key with a triangle on it. What the fuck kind of keybored is this anyway?
I laughted so hard at this I thought I was gonna pass out. It's not good....but man it's so funny.

I guess overall I liked this more than the first game, but personally I think their about the same in terms of quality, that being their both just decent.

Reviewed on Nov 29, 2023
