I think I've found it, I think I've found the most boring, uninspired, lazy, repetitive, buggy, open-world game that I've ever played.

I played roughly 67 hours of this and I was never engaged with the story or its characters, everything felt very hallow and bland.

The combat is janky as hell. Now I can loo based jank sometimes, Hell one of my favorite games of all time Afro Samurai's combat is janky as hell, but the difference is that this game is over 90 hours long and the combat never changes, turning a janky but fan at times combat system to a repetitive janky mess.

Speaking of repetitive the open world, it's too bloated with the same copy and pasted items everywhere, nothing you do in the open world feels meaningful or god forbid fun, it's just hour upon hour of grinding for nothing other than a number. RPGs get away with this because you're playing an RPG for its story, but where the gameplay is detached from the story and characters so everything you do feels hollow and pointless.

I guess the only thing I sorta liked was some of the side missions, most of the ones I played were interesting little missions rather than the same copy and pasted side missions from past games, but it's not enough to save this game in my eyes.

Reviewed on Apr 07, 2021
