Aside from the censor swear words and the graphics not having the same charm as the N64 version this is still "in my opinion" the best way to play Conkers Bad Fur Day. Mostly since its gameplay isn't fucking garbage. The WW2 level in the N64 version was almost unplayable at times with how awful the controls were, now I can actually finish it with this new addition called "quality of life changes".

Yeah, it sucks that it doesn't have the same art style as the original, but I can look past it since it still has the same writing; which was the highlight of the N64 version. But for real if your gonna write off a whole game just because a bunch of swear words are being censored then I don't know what to say.
Swear words are not inherently funny by themselves; it's all context and timing, this game still has the context and the timing so the joke is still funny but now you don't get the hear "The Fuck Word".

That's like writing off a remaster of DMC because Dante's jacket was purple, it's such an inconsequential aspect of the whole project.

Reviewed on Aug 18, 2021
