Harlan Ellison might be a piece of shit person but I will give him this, He found a way to make point and click games more annoying and offputting than normal by making the player take moral and ethical considerations into.........well pretty much everything in the game, so much so in order to get the best ending you need to understand the complexities of the human psyche and how to manipulate the Id, Ego, and Superego inside of the mind of a hateful machine.

Reviewed on Dec 24, 2021


1 year ago

What did Harlan Ellison do?

1 year ago

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1 year ago

Harlan Ellison is more or less a smug jerk and a well known asshole to people around him and fans of his own work.
He's also done stuff like defending a convicted petafile and defaming people trying to convict the pedo like sending smear campaign against them, and he also groped the presenter during the acceptance of his hugo award.

1 year ago

Damn, read up on some of his stuff and he seems a lot more disturbed than I would expect lmao. Must be a given for horror writers.